Where is the East? At Jerusalem Design Week it is a changeable space facing the future

Denying all folklore, the ninth Israeli design week proposes a reflection on the idea of the East. A confirmation of this inclination for experimentation at an event that remains an important testing ground for many young local designers.   Not looking towards the East, but a reflection on the idea of the East. An invitation …

Il design di coppia alla prova del dialogo. In Israele

Design Museum, Holon – fino al 26 ottobre 2019. Cinque coppie di designer mettono in scena gli esiti della propria pratica collaborativa, raccontando attraverso cinque progetti inediti cosa significhi ispirarsi a vicenda e trovare una chiusa alla propria ricerca. Quanto confronto, scontro e capacità di mediazione cela la quotidianità di due designer che lavorano insieme? …

Design in Palestine: an interview with the Disarming Design collective

At Ramallah, Annelys De Vet, Ghadeer Dajani and Raed Hamouri use design to fight against stereotypes and affirm their own voice. Founded in Ramallah in 2012 and today directed by Annelys De Vet along with Ghadeer Dajani and Raed Hamouri, Disarming Design from Palestine calls itself a “thought-provoking design label”, to stimulate reflection, aimed at …